Voiced Consonants


Lips: Pressed together (as for (p)).
Airstream: Stopped and then exploded.
Vocal cords: vibrating.


Tongue tip: Firmly pressed against gum ridge behind upper front teeth.
Airstream: Stopped and then exploded.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.


Back of tongue: Touching the soft palate.
Airstream: Stopped and then exploded.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.


Upper teeth: Touching the lower lip (as for (f)).
Airstream: Continuous, without interruption.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.


Tongue tip: Between the teeth.
Airstream: Continuous without interruption.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.


Tongue tip: In the same position as for (s).
Airstream: Continuous without interruption.
Vocal cords: vibrating.


Tongue tip: In the same position as for (long s).
Airstream: Continuous without interruption.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.

Tongue tip: Firmly pressed against gum ridge behind upper front teeth.
Airstream: Stopped (as for (d) ) and then released ( as for ( 3 ) )


Tongue tip: Pressed against gum ridge behind upper front teeth.
Airstream: Continuous and passes over both sides of the tongue.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.


Lips. Rounded
Tongue tip: Curled upward but not touching the roof of the mouth.
Airstream: Continuous.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.


Tongue tip: In the same position as for the vowel (i).
Airstream: Continuous without interruption.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.


Lips: Rounded and in the same position as for the vowel (u).
Airstream: Continuous.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.


Tongue: Firmly pressed against gum ridge behind upper front teeth.
Airstream: Continuous through the nose.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.


Back of tong: Raised toward the soft palate.
Airstream: Continuous through the nose.
Vocal cords: Vibrating.